Leadership and management ideas and insights, amplified.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

A New Egalitarianism. Or, Flat is Cool.

The web continues to thrill me. In Western cultures, liberalism has taken many forms but none so gallantly as the world wide web. One click is as good as another. Click here and Hillary Clinton pops up, click there and some teenager tells us her story. People are people. Around the world, while dour eyes are on the broadcasts of violence and division, other, fresher and younger eyes are on webcasts of sharing and interconnectivity. The world is indeed flat, and flat is cool.

Perhaps we can look to Web 2.0 to see how it has and will transform society. I know that among my friends and professional associates, we are using Facebook, LinkedIn and other sites to amplify our ability to connect with each other and each other's network.

But it is not just about connecting. It is about realizing a world that meets and transcends human needs. In every management university, at some point Maslow's heirarchy of needs is pulled up. You remember it, the 5 levels: physical, security, belonging, ego, self-actualization - right?

What is interesting to me is that you can spin these concepts out and look at the information ecosystems we inhabit and ask simple questions that mirror this model: "What human need is being addressed with this new technology (fill in the blank)."

So perhaps let's think about it this way:

Content as level 1. This is about basic access to documents and files.

Context as level 2. This is about securing knowledge artifacts in a shared environment.

Cooperation as level 3. Belonging, but only to play the role you are handed. Conversation around takes place in work communities around knowledge artifacts.

Contribution as level 4. Ego and esteem, in pursuit of the greater good. Bloggers and those with a need to share their knowledge and expertise. Knowledge artifacts are created by individuals.

Collaboration as level 5. True creativity and problem solving, collectively. Social interpretations, reconstructions, and the "universe of discourse" where knowledge artifacts are created by egoless groups.

I am speaking on this at the e-Gov KM Conference in Washington, D.C. April 28-29, 2008. I will try to post the video from that panel session here.

Ironically, Maslow's heirarchy may help us to become the kind of people who deserve an authentic and flat reply to bureaucracy and nihilism. It is time for a new egalitarianism. I add my voice to the many who call for more voice in support of fostering democratic principles of leadership within organizations and across the web of humanity.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

"The Secret Language of Leadership" Interview

It is relatively known that great leaders are good storytellers. What is more complex is the way that leaders inspire people through storytelling. That is, it isn't about spin or a calculated messaging campaign. It is about authenticity and the ability of a leader to tap into the better angels of our nature through cultural narratives. While one can become a better storyteller through study and practice, the natural storytellers are the exemplars we emulate.

In my 8-minute video interview with Steve Denning he expands on how he came to compose his ideas and the impact they are having on the way we think about leadership and story; these he outlines in his latest book: "The Secret Language of Leadership: How Leaders Inspire Action Through Narrative."

Steve's website is here.


Smithsonian Storytelling and Innovation Weekend

I've started doing video blogs, or "blogcasts" or "vlogs" or some more palatable term yet to be invented. This one is with Steve Denning who leads the Smithsonian Associates storytelling and organization weekend every year. This year, May 8-10, 2008, the theme is one that is close to my heart, storytelling and innovation. I spent a great number of research hours on the nature of innovation, theories, principles and practices, and found that the narrative that underscores organizational action acts as the mythos through which new ideas are engaged and innovation occurs.

Unfortunately, day 1 is sold out, but day 2 and 3 are still open and can be found here.

Steve's website is here.

See the interview with Steve Denning about this year's line-up.


Monday, April 21, 2008

Kulled and Amplified

Ironic it seems that for years I have been touting the need for greater creative and intellectual expression for individuals within and among organizations and communities, and yet for all this time I have neglected the need to shout out my own egoistic ramblings.

The time has come. For my followers in the business world, you've clicked on the right blogspot. For my fans who are bored silly with my talk of management and organizational art and science, I have a personal blog called Kulled. There I talk about anything that is *not* related to leadership, management and organization.

These gurglings will accompany some of the many spittoons of wisdom I've trailed across the web over the Internet century. To see where it all starts, go to the AMPLIFI company home and make fun of me there. If I had my druthers (and my academic cloak came sadly minus druthers), I would take you out to lunch for spending your valuable attention digesting these words.

Please enjoy sharing a cup of coffee (or chai tea if that is your preference) with me every now and then as I find time to share knowledge and/or am sufficiently prodded to exclaim my views. You should always come away with a "hmm" but YMMV (Your Mileage May Vary).

Peace, love, and performance improvement.