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Saturday, November 20, 2010

Comedy... at Yale?


My response to the "That's Why I Chose Yale" video by Harvard students and the backlash over a remark some criticized as insensitive of the bizarre murder of a student.

I teach organizational and business communications. My observation is that this concept of sensitivity has gotten out of hand. People need to be more accepting of the generally good intentions of others, especially those trying to lighten things up though attempts at comedy or humor in the workplace.

I applaud the video. It's obvious to me that the comment, while perhaps in poor taste to some, was intended to be funny. For those who lack a sense of humor, often people laugh at statements that are deliberately offensive. So no, an apology is not warranted, though this by no means suggests the students made a personal attack at the victim's family, any more than the fake mugging later on in the reel is made to poke fun at those victims.

When judging these things, ask yourself what kind of society you want to live in. One where people are constantly walking on eggshells or one where people are given tacit permission to be creative, unconventional and/or improvisational.

The students may want to apologize for choosing Yale, but that's not my problem. No offense to the parents who have to write the check. Ha ha.


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