Leadership and management ideas and insights, amplified.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Should I Let My Employer See My Facebook Page?

There's been a lot of talk in recent years about whether or not one should post potentially incriminating photos, opinions, and other personal expressions on Facebook as one's employer might see them and it would make an employee or potential new hire look bad.

Folks, here's the thing: Any employer who uses your personal expressions against you is foolish and not worth your time. Ask yourself if you want to be led by people who demean and shame you for having fun. So you get drunk at happy hours and your buddy caught you praying to the porcelain god. Did you get your work in on time? Yes? Then no problem. NO??? And then you lied about it??? Big problem.

Trust is the glue that holds organizations and communities together. Without trust, people are out for themselves and WIIFM* becomes the driving principle behind your company's culture. Is that what you want?

Certainly, personal habits can get in the way of peak performance. But in the end, performance is what matters. If blowing off some steam and having a good time helps people deal with work they don't enjoy, either work to make the work enjoyable or bring some humor into the workplace. The idea is inclusion, not exclusion. In American business, we like diversity: research shows over and over that the more heterogenous your workforce, the more innovative you are likely to become with the right leadership. Research also shows that executives who have imbibed are more creative then those who have not... I'll show you the citation but you'll have to buy be a drink first. And post it on Facebook. Cheers.

*WIIFM or "What's In It For Me?"


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