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Sunday, September 06, 2009

iLove IT

I confess. I only started texting this year. About three months ago, in fact. Racked up a $200 bill the month I started and blew through those data limits. Now: no limits.

Went out, bought the new iPhone 3Gs, and maxed it out. Then started to play with the apps.

"Geepers," said I, after downloading "Stanza" and discovering that my $.99 extravaganza now obviates the need to look into getting a Kindle, which was the next new thing I needed. I could read a book on my iPhone. And I did. "Alice in Wonderland." I've used Carroll's mythical tale to describe information technology too. It's a vibrant theme. We pitter-pat our touchpads in amazement at what is happening in such a short time period.

Then my sturdy Nokia cell phone of 3+ years is sick. Then my Garman navigator craps out on me. All in the same day. Curiouser and curiouser.

To the point: the iPhone apps are market substitutes for many products; Kindle being one example. After the initial purchase, I have found that I will be saving money in the future while enjoying greater capabilities.

Anyone have some good iPhone app stories to share?


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